gems & jewels

February 05, 2006

A True Friend

Our Beloved Nabi (Sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) has said something to the effect that a heart that holds no portion of the Qur'aan is like a deserted house.
...think... spooky...think ...abandonement...think...loneliness......think scary...think unhappiness
To Attain TRUE happiness and contentment, RECITE Al-Qur'aan Al Kareem!!!
TRY IT! Depressed? Down? Recite AL QUR'AANUL KAREEM and let the Nur of the Beautiful Words of your Creator permeate every cell of your body and purify your mind and soul.
Allow yourself to experience ecstacy like never before...RECITE Al-QUR'AANUL KAREEM!!!
Ramadhaan is around the bend, let's increase recitation in the run-up to Ramadhaan...insha Allah let us make the intention that " THIS RAMADHAAN I am going to exert myself in the way of the Holy Qur'aan, in a way that I haven't before. THIS RAMADHAAN I am going to become close to the Qur'aan cleanse my rusty heart.THIS RAMADHAAN I will become a close friend of the Qur'aan!"
A friend in need, is a friend indeed>>>>>>>>Become a friend of the Qur'aan and it will help you when YOU really need it. It will help you in THIS WORLD. It will help you in your GRAVE.IT will help you the THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT. This friend won't let you down! This friend is Truthful and Dedicated...THIS is YOUR TRUE FRIEND...OUR TRUE FRIEND!!!!!! It's up to us...Will we accept this friendship or reject it?...Let us think carefully...
Let us be true to ourselves....Let us befriend the Holy Qur'aan. Let us remember ALLAH Doesn't need us to recite the Qur'aan...We need the Qur'aan to guide US